张鸿键, 杨 波, 李德平, 邬 丹, 廖丹霞, 李景保.基于MODIS影像的洞庭湖枯水期总磷营养状况监测研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(3):62-67
Research on monitoring total phosphorus nutritional status of Dongting lake based on MODIS image
中文关键词: 水污染  总磷  富营养化  MODIS  洞庭湖
英文关键词: water pollution  total phosphorus (TP)  eutrophication  MODIS  Dongting lake
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41171342); 中欧科技合作的“龙计划”三期项目(ID 10697); 省高校创新平台开放基金项目(10K042); 杭州师范大学“遥感与地球科学创新平台”开放基金(PDKF2010YG08); 地理学湖南省重点学科项目(2012001)
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Hongjian, YANG Bo, LI Deping, WU Dan, LIAO Danxia, LI Jingbao (湖南师范大学 GIS研究中心 湖南 长沙 410081) 
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      In order to understand the status of TP pollution of water body in Dongting Lake in dry season,the paper used the (MODIS) data and measured TP data to conducted correlation analysis. The research indicated that the best band combination is b1-b5. The paper set up a cubic polynomial model for retrieval of TP concentration. Furthermore, It obtained TP concentration map at Dongting lake area in 2005, 2009 and 2013 by use of model retrieval. Results showed that TP concentration in most area of Dongting Lake belong to class Ⅳ and class Ⅴ. Finally, the trophic state index model (TSIM) was used to make eutrophication map of Dongting lake. Results suggest that the nutritional status of Dongting lake tends to eutrophication. The trophic index of water body in Dongting Lake dropped slightly and then rose from 2005 to 2013. The most serious area of eutrophication is the east of Dongting Lake, then the south of Dongting Lake, the west of Dongting Lake is relatively the best one. The water quality in inner lake are inferior to that near the outlets of four tributaries.
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