胡剑杰, 胡友安, 陈卫冲, 钱祖宾, 王 煦.弧面三角闸门的静力数值分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(2):218-221
Numerical analysis on static force for cambered triangular gate
中文关键词: 蓄水和通航工况  弧面三角闸门  静力分析  ANSYS  空间有限元法
英文关键词: condition of water storage and shipping  cambered triangular gate  analysis of static force  ANSYS  spatial finite element method
Author NameAffiliation
HU Jianjie1, HU Youan1, CHEN Weichong2, QIAN Zubin2, WANG Xu3 (1.河海大学 机电工程学院 江苏 常州 213022 2.江苏省泰州引江河第二期工程建设局江苏 泰州 225321 3.江苏省水利勘测设计研究院有限公司 江苏 扬州 225127) 
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      Based on large finite element analysis software ANSYS, took static analysis of the ship lock's cambered triangular gate of Xia Shi harbor as the background, the paper built the finite element model of gate. Considering the major load effects of gravity, wind-force, water pressure, it analyzed the static characteristics of gate in the condition of water storage and shipping,got the distribution situation of stress and deformation under different operations, checked the strength, rigidity and stability of the gate, and evaluated the safety of gate too. The results indicated that the whole arc triangular gate and every structure part meet the requirements of strength, rigidity and stability.The study can provide theory reference for the design and check of similar hydraulic steel gate.
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