郑剑锋, 贾泽宇, 邱春生, 孙力平.城市大型缓流景观水体水环境容量总量动态控制研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(2):46-48
Study on dynamic control of total content of water environmental capacity in landscape water body of large flow in urban city
中文关键词: 缺水城市  景观水体  水环境容量  总量动态控制模型
英文关键词: water-deficient city  urban landscape water  water environmental capacity  dynamic control model of total content
Author NameAffiliation
ZHENG Jianfeng1,2, JIA Zeyu1,2, QIU Chunsheng1,2, SUN Liping1,2 (1.天津城建大学 环境与市政工程学院, 天津 300384 2.天津市水质科学与技术重点实验室, 天津 300384) 
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      In the light of problem of small water environmental capacity and bad water quality of urban landscape water body in water-deficient city, the paper proposed a method that use dynamic control model of water environmental capacity and total content to conduct water quality management. Taking Bolong urban landscape lake in Tianjin as a case study,water environmental capacity calculation results of Bolong urban landscape lake showed that natural water environmental capacity cant not satisfy the requirement the total pollutant input, but if water purification system operates according to design patterns, which can produce more remaining water environmental capacity. Using the model to conduct dynamical control for total water environmental capacity in Bolong urban landscape lake and when the water quality standard reach class IV, the water load of water purification system can be reduced by 46.1 percent. The water environmental capacity can be fully used.
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