王春梅, 余 涛, 孟庆岩, 占玉林, 杨 健, 李 娟, 魏香琴.基于全极化雷达数据反演夏玉米覆盖农田表层土壤含水量Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(2):29-34
Surface soil moisture of farmland covered by summer corn stalk retrieved by full polarimetric radar data
中文关键词: 雷达  水—云模型  夏玉米  土壤含水量  植被含水量
英文关键词: radar  water-cloud model  summer corn  soil moisture  vegetation water content
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Chunmei1,2, YU Tao1,2, MENG Qingyan1,2, ZHAN Yulin1,2, YANG Jian1,2, LI Juan1,2, WEI Xiangqin1,2 (1.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室 北京 100101
2.国家航天局航天遥感论证中心 北京 100101) 
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      Based on the RADARSAT-2 full polarization C-band radar data and field survey data,the paper set up the response relationship between backscatter coefficient of different polarization modes and vegetation water content of summer corn, and got the water content of summer corn crop in covered area of Shandong Yucheng. On this basis,it modified the parameters of water-cloud model and obtained the backscatter coefficient of soil components from removing the backward scattering field of the total polarization radar vegetation influence so as to get surface soil water content by radar data of multipolarization. The results show that the correlation between vegetation water content of summer corn and VH, VV scattering coefficient reached significant level, correlation coefficient is 0.86 and 0.79 respectively, the value of VH polarization is better than that of VV polarization; Under the four polarization modes of RADARSAT-2 and the water and cloud model of VV polarization, error sum of squares of theory calculation is the least, which is the optimal polarization inversion type of surface soil water content in the study area.
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