王 力, 刘光尧 , 曾佩佩.基于SVM的机场供水管网泄漏辨识定位系统研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2014,25(1):38-41
Study on position system of leakage identification for water supply network at airport based on SVM
中文关键词: 管网泄漏监测  支持向量机  粒子群算法  压力梯度法
英文关键词: pipeline leak detection  support vector machine  particle swarm optimization  pressure gradient method
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(U1333111); 中央高校基本科研业务项目(ZXB2011A003)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Li, LIU Guangyao, ZENG Peipei (中国民航大学 航空自动化学院 天津 300300) 
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      Aimed at the position system of leakage identification of water supply pipeline, based on the time series data witch are formed by pipe network pressure and flow parameters, the paper applied support vector machine method to set up leakage identification model. By using particle swarm algorithm to optimize the parameter c, g in support vector machine (SVM) ,it eventually realized accurate positioning through using the method of pressure gradient. The experiment shows that the accuracy of established model of pipeline leakage positioning is higher and can meet the requirements of leakage monitoring of water supply pipe network.
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