杨丽芝, 林尚华, 佟照辉, 祁晓凡, 尚 浩.华北平原中部重碳酸钠型水的成因探讨Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2013,24(6):34-37
Discussion about the causation of sodium bicarbonate type water come into being in the midland of Huabei Plain
中文关键词: 重碳酸钠型水  地下水; 水岩作用; 离子平移; 华北平原
英文关键词: sodium bicarbonate type water  ground water  post-water-reck interaction  ion exchange action  the central North China Plain
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2006CB403401); 中国地质调查局大调查项目(1212010634600)
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Lizhi1, LIN Shanghua2, TONG Zhaohui3, QI Xiaofan1, SHANG Hao1 (1.山东省地质调查院山东 济南 250013 2.山东省地矿工程集团有限公司山东 济南 2500143.山东省地质测绘院 山东 济南 250014) 
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      Through collecting the test data of large number of groundwater samples ,the result has been found that most of deep groundwater belongs to sodium bicarbonate type water in the area such as Hengshui and Dezhou of the central North China Plain. By use of theory of groundwater cycle and geochemistry, the paper discussed about the origin of sodium bicarbonate type water formed in the central North China Plain .The results show that the groundwater of the area is from precipitation, it has the characteristics of leaching witch is affected by post-water-rock interaction and positive ion exchange action, witch makes the calcium in groundwater be absent and the sodium enrichment, the sodium bicarbonate type of water is formed. Meanwhile, the fluoride ions in groundwater enrich and their content increase in the alkaline environment.
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