李 巧, 周金龙, 纪媛媛, 杨广焱, 贾瑞亮.新疆哈密地区三塘湖北地下水水—岩作用模拟Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2013,24(6):29-33
Water rock interaction simulation of groundwater in north Santang lake of Hami district of Xinjiang
中文关键词: 水化学特征  水-岩作用  承压水  反向模拟  哈密地区三塘湖北
英文关键词: ground water chemical characteristics  water-rock interaction  confined ground water  inverse simulation  North Santang lake of Hami district
基金项目:新疆自治区地质勘查基金项目(S12-1-XJ01); 新疆自治区水文学及水资源重点学科基金(xjswszyzdxk20101202);新疆普通高校重点实验室基金(xjhwrhekl20130226)
Author NameAffiliation
LI Qiao1, ZHOU Jinlong1,2, JI Yuanyuan1, YANG Guangyan1, JIA Ruiliang1 ( 1.新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
2.中国地质大学 环境学院, 湖北 武汉 430074) 
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      The evolution of confined groundwater chemical type from upstream to downstream is SO4·HCO3-Na→SO4-Na·Ca→SO4·Cl-Na·Ca→SO4·Cl-Na or SO4-Na·Ca, which has the hydrogeochemical zonality. The water-rock interaction simulation has been applied by method of reverse simulation in PHREEQC software to study its mechanism.The simulation results indicate that the process of confined groundwater evolution from upstream to downstream mainly contains the dissolution of gypsum and halite, the sediment of Ca-montmorillonite and niter. The dissolution/ precipitation amount of minerals in groundwater increases gently in study area from upstream to downstream.The water-rock interaction gradually increases. It got the two conclusions that the dissolution/ precipitation of minerals and positive ion exchange control the evolution,the reason that the water-rock interaction strengthens from upstream to downstream area is that the particles of water-bearing medium becomes fine gradually.
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