刘 江,贾尔恒·阿哈提,程 艳,姜国强.博斯腾湖污染物总量控制定额确定方法Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2013,24(5):206-210
Method of determining control quota of total quantity of pollutants for Bosten lake
Received:May 05, 2013  Revised:May 16, 2013
中文关键词: 干旱区  点源  面源  负荷分配  总量控制定额  博斯腾湖
英文关键词: drought district  point source  non-point source  load distribution  total control quota  Bosten lake
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Jiang Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Urumqi 830011,China 
JIAErHeng·Ahati Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Urumqi 830011,China 
CHENG Yan Xinjiang Academy of Environmental Protection Science, Urumqi 830011,China 
JIANG Guoqiang South China Institute of Environmental Sciences of MEP, Guangzhou 510655,China [KH*3D] 
Hits: 1956
Download times: 1090
      Farmland wastewater is the main non-point source pollution in Bosten Lake. Based on the characteristics of pollutant source in Bosten Lake area and the dynamic hydrological conditions, the paper applied water quality response model plan couple method. Under the plan objective conditions of meeting the water function area, the amount of pollutant from point and non-point source witch flow into the lake is totally fixed.The water environmental capacity determined in the absence of irrigation and wastewater discharge is point source control quota.The total control quota of point and non-point source defined by subtracting the total point source control quota equals to the total amount of non-point source control quota. Through the above-described method, the total amount of point and non-point source control Quota for Bosten lake was gotten . The result can provide a theoretical basis for the control of total amount of point and non-point source pollutants.
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