樊引琴,刘婷婷,李 婳,焦伟晨.物元分析法在黄河水质评价中的应用Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2013,24(2):166-169
Application of matter element analysis method to water quality evaluation in Yellow River
Received:November 12, 2012  Revised:December 06, 2012
中文关键词: 水质评价  物元分析法  单因子指数法  黄河
英文关键词: water quality evaluation  matter element analysis method  single factor index evaluation method  Yellow River
Author NameAffiliation
FAN Yinqin Yellow River Basin Water Environment Monitoring Center, Zhengzhou 450004,China [KH*2D] 
LIU Tingting Yellow River Basin Water Environment Monitoring Center, Zhengzhou 450004,China [KH*2D] 
LI Hua Yellow River Basin Water Environment Monitoring Center, Zhengzhou 450004,China [KH*2D] 
JIAO Weichen Yellow River Basin Water Environment Monitoring Center, Zhengzhou 450004,China [KH*2D] 
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      In order to try the use of matter element analysis method in water quality assessment of the Yellow River, the paper used matter element analysis method to evaluate water quality of the Yellow River, and compared the results with that of conventional single factor index method. The results showed that the assessment results of two methods were very different, the water quality evaluated by matter element analysis method was better than that by the single factor index method, the difference are caused by the different view point of two evaluation methods. Single factor index method is to reflect the veto right of single factor, and the matter element analysis method is to reflect the comprehensive effects of different evaluation factors on water quality. The result of matter element analysis method is more comprehensive, system, reality.
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