李怀恩,李 层.河流控制断面污染负荷计算方法比较Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2013,24(2):1-4
Comparision of calculation methods of pollutionload for control section of river
Received:November 23, 2012  
中文关键词: 河流污染  污染物负荷  年负荷估算  潼关吊桥断面
英文关键词: river pollution  polluting load  estimation of year load  Tongguan drawbridge section
Author NameAffiliation
LI Huaien Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource and Environment Ecology of Ministry of Education,Xi''an University of Technology, Xi''an 710048,China [KH*2D] 
LI Ceng Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource and Environment Ecology of Ministry of Education,Xi''an University of Technology, Xi''an 710048,China [KH*2D] 
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      In order to select the estimation methods of pollution load for rivers,the paper choose 8kinds of methods to calculate the load of Tongguan drawbridge section by using weekly water quality data of Tongguan drawbridge and Huaxian'' daily flow, and compared each result with the actual load respectively. The results showed that the precision of method 7is the highest.In method 7,period flux average concentration is multiplied by the period average flow to calculate the pollution load in wet,flat,dry season and then summed to calculate the annual pollution load. The paper finally proposed the improvement methods.
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