陈有亮,吴丹丹,代明星,索晓航,王 朋.高温作用下不同水灰比混凝土的抗冻融性能研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(5):81-84
Research on mechanical properties of anti-freezing and thawing of concrete with different water-cement ratio under the effect of high temperature
Received:June 02, 2012  
中文关键词: 水灰比  混凝土  高温作用  冻融循环  力学性能
英文关键词: water cement ratio  concrete  high temperature effect  freezing and thawing cycle  mechanical property
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Youliang Environment and Building Department,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093, China 
WU Dandan Environment and Building Department,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093, China 
DAI Mingxing Environment and Building Department,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093, China 
SUO Xiaohang Environment and Building Department,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093, China 
WANG Peng Environment and Building Department,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093, China 
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      By adoptting the quick freezing and thawing method, a series of experimental studies of concrete of different mix ratios subjected to different high temperatures through 40 freezing and thawing cycles have been conducted. Through compressive strength tests, concrete peak stress ,strain and elastic modulus were measured. The paper discussed the influence of different high temperature and mixture ratio on the concrete freezing and thawing properties. The analysis showed that with the increment of temperature and water-cement ratio, the peak stress and elastic modulus of the concrete decreased gradually. According to the experimental result, the formula for elastic modulus after freezing and thawing and high temperature were developed. This study may provide a theoretical basis for the design of freeze-thaw resistance of concrete withstanded high temperature.
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