王 旭,王 颖,田伟博.城市供水管网漏损时间预测模型Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(4):151-153,157
Time-prediction model for leakage in urban water supply network
Received:February 24, 2012  Revised:April 16, 2012
中文关键词: 供水管网  层次分析法  多元线性回归模型  二次指数平滑模型
英文关键词: water supply network  analytic hierarchy process  multiple linear regression model  double exponential smoothing model
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Xu Faculty of Urban Construction and Environment Engineering,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045,China [KH*3D] 
WANG Ying Faculty of Urban Construction and Environment Engineering,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045,China [KH*3D] 
TIAN Weibo Faculty of Urban Construction and Environment Engineering,Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045,China [KH*3D] 
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      There are a good deal of factors that affect the leakage in town water distribution pipeline. According to analytic hierarchy process, the paper identified primary reasons for leakage. Based on this conclusion, multiple linear regression models were used for prediction of the initial leakage time after the supply net came into use. Then, double exponential smoothing model was utilized to forecast leakage time in the following years. Thus perfect time-prediction models for water supply network leakage were set up.
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