刘 洋,唐鸣发,王亚昆.电站坝址下游滑坡变形破坏机制物理模拟研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(2):100-103
Physical simulation on the sliding deformation failure mechanism at downstream slope of a hydropower station in southwest
Received:November 20, 2011  Revised:December 11, 2011
中文关键词: 底摩擦试验  破坏机制  滑坡变形  离散元模拟  坝址下游  西南地区
英文关键词: test of base friction  failure mechanism  sliding deformation  distinct element simulation  downstream slope  southwest of China
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Yang Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China 
TANG Mingfa East China Investigation and Design Institute, CHECC, Hangzhou 310014, China [KH*3D] 
WANG Yakun Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China 
Hits: 1673
Download times: 924
      This paper based on the investigation of actual distortion and damage of the low-angle dip bedding slope, such as the characteristics of the shape and deformation, the structure and matter constituent for the landslide in a southwest hydropower station, reappeaed the part process of deformation failure by choosing theⅡ-Ⅱ′ main section of the landslide and using basa contact friction expriment in the physical simulation method , synthetically analyzed the deformation of different phases and the final failure mechanism, and eventually confirmed that the landslide is belong to sliding-compression cracking. At the same time, according to the comparison of the research findings of the physical simulation method with the outcomes of 3DEC distinct element analysis and landslide stability analysis and with the actual distortion and damage of the landslide, this paper still adequately demonstrated the feasibility of the physical simulation method.
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