李国威,孙冠男,孔繁利,王金峰,梁俊飞.螺旋流混合器内部流动及换热分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(1):86-88
Analysis of flow and heat transfer in spiral flow mixer
Received:June 13, 2011  
中文关键词: 螺旋流  混合器  CFD  换热  数值分析
英文关键词: spiral flow  mixer  CFD  heat transfer  numerical analysis
Author NameAffiliation
LI Guowei College of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China 
SUN Guannan College of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China 
KONG Fanli Liaohe Oil Field Electric Power Company, Panjin 124010, China 
WANG Jinfeng Liaohe Oil Field Electric Power Company, Panjin 124010, China 
LIANG Junfei Liaohe Oil Field Electric Power Company, Panjin 124010, China 
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      In this paper, a 3D model was constructed for a type of spiral flow mixer with immovable parts, using turbulence model, unsteady model and heat transfer model to simulate the internal state of the mixer on computational fluid dynamics theory. Through the analysis of the path line, the change rule of temperature and so on, the paper discussed the characteristics of flow and heat transfer in the mixer and the change rule of export temperatures with inlet velocity and mixer''s volume. The calculation results showed that spiral flow mixer can get better mixed effect; the relation between mixed effect and inlet velocity was direct ratio; mixed effects obviously change with the change of mixer''s volume, and along with the increase of volume, the regulatory time significantly increased.
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