纪桂霞,周步轩,张 欢,刘 弦.新型UBAF处理合成洗涤剂废水中难降解LAS的效能研究Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(1):64-68
Study on efficiency of refractory linear alkyl-benzene sulfonates(LAS) removal from synthetic detergent wastewater by novel up-flow biological aerated filter
Received:September 18, 2011  
中文关键词: 新型UBAF  生物绳  洗涤废水  LAS  净化效能
英文关键词: novel up-flow biological aerated filter  bio-cord  synthetic detergent wastewater  LAS  treatment efficiency
Author NameAffiliation
JI Guixia School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
ZHOU Buxuan School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
ZHANG Huan School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
LIU Xian School of Environment and Architecture, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China 
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      通过在清水区悬挂生物绳软填料的上向流曝气生物滤池处理合成洗涤剂废水的试验,研究了水力负荷、气水比、污染负荷、滤层高度及溶解氧等对LAS处理效能的影响。结果表明:水力负荷、气水比及滤层厚度是新型UBAF处理效能的主要影响因素,进水污染负荷对LAS处理效能的影响不显著。废水LAS浓度与流经的滤层厚度存在很好的指数关系:Ch=C0ekh。新型UBAF的挂膜性能好,启动速度快,对COD、LAS的处理效能有一定提高。在水力负荷1.1 m3/(m2·h),气水比3∶[KG-*3]1~4∶[KG-*3]1的运行条件下,对典型合成洗涤剂废水中的LAS去除率达80%以上,处理水的LAS指标达到排放标准。
      To improve the efficiency of up-flow biological aerated filter, fixed bio-cord in clarifying region was proposed and the novel system named NUBAF was applied on laboratory scale. Through study the effects of hydraulic loading, ratio of air to liquid, pollution load, media height and DO on linear alkyl-benzene sulfonates (LAS) treatment performance using this new process and the results indicated that the hydraulic loading, ratio of air to liquid and media height were the main factors to the NUBAF performance, but the effect of the pollution load on the NUBAF performance was unremarkable. The removal efficiency of LAS could be up to 80 % under the optimal conditions:the hydraulic loading of 1.1 m3/ (m2·h), ratio of air to liquid of 3∶[KG-*3]1~4∶[KG-*3]1 (based on 3.3 m3/ (m2·h):1.1 m3/ (m2·h)), besides, there was an exponential relationship between the concentration of LAS and media height expressed as Ch=C0ekh. After treated by NUBAF, effluent was greatly improved to reach the discharge standards of China.
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