李爱利,蔡焕杰,李志军.灌水次数对土壤入渗影响的试验分析Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering[J].,2012,23(1):18-21
Experiment analysis of effect of irrigation times on soil infiltration
Received:June 20, 2011  Revised:October 30, 2011
中文关键词: 灌水次数  土壤入渗  Kostiakov入渗模型
英文关键词: irrigation times  soil infiltration , Kostiakov infiltration model
基金项目:西北农林科技大学创新团队支持计划; 国家科技支撑计划课题(2011BAD29B01); 西北农林科技大学大学生创新性实验计划项目资助
Author NameAffiliation
LI Aili Key Lab. of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid Areas, Ministry of Education, Yangling, 712100, China
School of Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China 
CAI Huanjie Key Lab. of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid Areas, Ministry of Education, Yangling, 712100, China
State Engineering Lab of Efficient Water Use of Grops in Arid Areas, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, 712100, China 
LI Zhijun Key Lab. of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid Areas, Ministry of Education, Yangling, 712100, China
State Engineering Lab of Efficient Water Use of Grops in Arid Areas, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, 712100, China 
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      利用野外双环入渗仪和TST-70室内土壤入渗仪进行入渗试验,分析室内以1.35 g/cm3容重装土与田间翻耕地在0、1和2次灌水后的土壤入渗过程,研究Kostiakov入渗模型中各参数随着灌水次数的变化及田间与室内试验中入渗参数的差异性。结果表明:灌水和室内装土试验均使经验指数α有了一定程度的增大。同时,灌水和装土试验的Kostiakov入渗模型中第一个单位时间内平均渗吸速度i0较田间未灌水都有了明显的减小,经验指数α取值范围较有关资料中所给值小。4种处理中,一次灌水和室内装土试验的累积入渗量与时间双对数关系拟合很好,室内试验的误差分析值最小。因此,在利用Kostiakov入渗模型确定灌水技术参数时,应该考虑适用条件以及灌溉情况。
      Infiltration experiments were conducted by using double ring infiltration meter and the TST-70 indoor soil infiltration meter in the field for no irrigation, one irrigation and two irrigation times for soil bulk density of 1.35g/cm3 . The parameters of Kostiakov infiltration model were analyzed. The result showed that experience index α increased with irrigation times, and indoor experiment had a bigger α Simultaneously , the first unit time average infiltrates i0 in the Kostiakov infiltration model for indoor test and after irrigation had obvious reduction lowpared with no irrigation. The experience index α was less than relative reference. In four treatments, the accumulation infiltration of the one irrigation time and indoor experiment had a good helationship with the time. Therefore , when using the Kostiakov model to determine infiltration parameters for irrigation, the soil condition should be considered.
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