
Author Instructions
Preparing your paper as outlined below will help expedite consideration.
In submitting, the corresponding author affirms that:

All authors have read and approved the paper and will be informed about all reviews and revisions. It is expected that authors will have: (1) made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data, or creation of new software used in the work; or have drafted the work or substantively revised it; (2) approved the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author’s contribution to the study); and (3) agreed to be personally accountable for their own contributions and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and documented in the literature.
All author affiliations related to the work are indicated.
Any real or perceived conflicts of interest related to this work are declared to the editors in the cover letter.
Data needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research must be available at the time of peer review and publication. Additionally, authors should make available software that has a significant impact on the research. The paper is an original submission and not under active consideration elsewhere. All papers are checked for plagiarism. Papers with significant overlap will be rejected or returned for correction.

General guidelines
Preparing your manuscript
For submission, we prefer to receive a single file containing your manuscript, figures, and tables. Supporting information and large tables should be uploaded separately.
Your manuscript should be arranged in the following order:
Title page including authors’ names and affiliations

Text (including appendices) and Equations
Title page
A title should be specific, informative, and brief. Use abbreviations only if they are defined in the abstract.
Authors are individuals who have significantly contributed to the research and preparation of the article. Group authors are allowed, if each author in the group is separately identified in an appendix or supplement. Other contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be acknowledged.
Author affiliations should indicate to the reader where the author was employed or affiliated with at the time of the work. Current addresses or affiliations should be indicated with a footnote. Authors are expected to indicate in the acknowledgements any additional affiliations or employment that might be perceived as a conflict of interest related to the paper.
The abstract (1) states the nature of the investigation and (2) summarizes the important conclusions. The abstract should be suitable for indexing. Your abstract should:
Be set as a single paragraph.
Be less than 250 words.
Not include table or figure mentions.
Avoid reference citations unless dependent on or directly related to another paper (e.g., companion, comment, reply, or commentary on another paper(s). 
Define all abbreviations.
Authors may provide up to eight keywords which are not included in the word count. These are free-form terms that can be used to facilitate online searches.
Headings. The text should be divided into sections, each with its own heading.
Sections are numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). A maximum of four levels of heads may be used, with subsections numbered 1.1., 1.2.; 1.1.1., 1.2.1;, and so on. Headings should be sentence fragments and do not begin with a lowercase letter or number. They should not include parenthetical reference citations or table and figure callouts.
Footnotes. Footnotes are used only for author affiliations and tables. Incorporate all other footnoted information into text.
Reference citations. Use name-date format, not numbered references, and enclose citations in parentheses. In text citations are included in the word count.
Mathematics. Build equations with Mathtype. Do not use graphics for equations. Equations are counted as one word in the word count.
The acknowledgments must list:
All funding sources related to this work from all authors including any source of direct or in-kind support. List all funding sources including persistent identifiers (e.g. Grant ID, Funder ID) in the submission form. Funding information must include the funding body and contribution number.
Any real or perceived financial conflicts of interests for any author.
Other affiliations for any author that may be perceived as creating a conflict of interest with respect to the results of the paper. 
The acknowledgments are also the appropriate place to thank colleagues and other contributors. 
An optional separate paragraph indicating author contributions. 
All sources cited in text, tables, figures, and supporting information must appear in the reference list. Every reference must be available publicly online or in print before a paper can be accepted. “Unpublished” or “in press” references are not allowed. 
Authors must include formal citations to the data/software described in the Availability Statement. Additionally, please cite data and software created by others used in your research to ensure proper credit for that work. If the data or software is described in a separate data or software paper, please include both that paper and the deposited data or software as separate citations. 
Every table must have a unique title. Explanatory information and definitions should be included in a footnote to the title.

Column heads. All columns (except the first one) must have headings.

The data supporting the table must be preserved in a repository, included in the availability statement, and cited in the references section. When the table represents a summary or aggregation of the underlying data, provide the workflow or script that generated the aggregation. 

JWRWE recommends that figures be prepared in one of the following formats: JPG, TIFF, EPS, PS or PDF. Figures should be embedded in the main manuscript for submission but uploaded separately at resubmission or revision (because separate files are needed for production). For revision, each figure file must be complete and contain all parts of a single numbered figure. Do not include figure captions or figure titles (e.g., “Figure 1”) as any part of the figure. Separate files for different parts of a figure cannot be accommodated.

Each figure should also have a caption in the text. These can be placed near the figure at submission.
Indicate latitude and longitude on maps.
Use lowercase letters (a, b,c...) to label parts of the figure; do not use Arabic or Roman numerals. Combine all figure parts into a single figure whenever possible.
When possible, include the figure label in the top left corner of each plot.
Do not include information in a figure that could easily be included in the caption.
Cite each figure in numerical order in text.
Data supporting all the figures must be preserved in a repository, and cited in the references section. Software used to generate the figure should be described in the paper, and cited in the references. 
Figures larger than a typical PDF page (e.g., a large map) should be included as a supplement.
Copyrighted material
Authors who use figures or other material (e.g., graphics,) from another author or copyright holder must obtain permission to do so. This includes any figures redrawn but basically unaltered or with only slight modifications. Permission is not needed for material that is in the public domain.
Permission must allow for the distribution of the material in any and all media in current and future formats.
Obtaining permission can be a lengthy process, so please make sure that you have the necessary permissions before you submit your manuscript.
Permission(s) should accompany the revised manuscript when submitted. Articles will not be published until permissions are received.

Copyright of the papers

The authors are the copyright holders of their perspective papers and take sole responsibility of the views discussed herewith.